Join UKABPsi
The Home of Black Psychology in the UK
Membership Information
There are two membership types for the UK Chapter. Full Membership at £25 and Student Membership at £15. Membership Fees quoted are annual and the term runs from 1st January – 31st December each year.
Please click on the join button where you will be taken to the UKABPsi membership form.
There is an expectation for the UKABPsi member to join the Association of Black Psychologists National body in the USA. You should join as either a General Member or Student Member. Details are on the national website.
For further details click the link below.
General Membership
UK ABPsi Chapter Fee £25/yr
Open to members who are interested in the mission but do not hold relevant professional qualifications. No voting right.
Student Membership
UK ABPsi Chapter Fee £15/yr
Individuals who are currently enrolled at undergraduate level (eg Bsc (Hons) or BA (Hons) in the area of Psychology.
Any data collected (e.g. names and addresses) on the UKAbpsi website will be stored consistent with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Such information will only be kept as long as necessary for use intended, will not be passed on to any third parties unless absolutely necessary for audit purposes and will NOT be passed on for marketing purposes. If you require any further information please contact Clancy Williams, Secretary UKABPsi.
Dr Nai’m Akbar
“A generation was cultivated with an alien set of priorities [to] only want membership in the predominantly white professional organisations. They no longer understand that there are unique needs that the oppressed communities of previous generations still have, the kind of relevance that led to the formation of these ethnically-orientated professional organisations.
They believe that these black professional organisations were simply formed because they were not permitted in white professional organisations. They don’t realise that there was recognition of some special issues that needed special attention from professionals who were committed to being effective leaders for their communities [and the issues those communities predominantly face]”.
— Dr Na’im Akbar (2016) in New Visions For Black Men.
Get Access To The Greatest Afrikan Minds
Your UKABPsi membership gives you access to some of the greatest Afrikan minds in the world. Abpsi scholars share their groundbreaking material in a clear and logical sequence, making the material accessible, intelligible and meaningful whilst covering all aspects of Afrikan psychology adequately. The benefits to you are that you get to grow as a person, develop your knowledge base and improve yourself for the better. Develop the skills and tools you need to succeed in your professional career by joining UKABPsi today.
Honouring Our Elders
Dr Edwin J. Nichols contributed ground-breaking work in African Psychology from his development of his theory of the philosophical aspects of cultural difference. In particular how environmental conditions shaped the values, behaviours and characteristics of those raised in certain historical settings. Dr Nichols was passionate about developing Abpsi in the UK since a professional friendship formed with our UK Abpsi President Rameri Moukam. This led him to advise and later ship at his expense books to found a resource on African psychology in the UK. We are eternally grateful for his input which led us to approach him to be our UK Abpsi Jegna. The word ‘Jegna’ is more suitable as it stems from the ancient African kingdom of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) rather than the word Mentor which is of Greek origin.