Black/African Centered psychology is a dynamic manifestation of
unifying African principles, values and traditions. It is the selfconscious
“centering” of psychological analyses and applications in
African realities, cultures, and epistemologies.
Black/African Centered psychology is ultimately concerned with understanding the systems of meaning of human beingness, the features of human functioning, and the restoration of normal/natural order to human development. As such, it is used to resolve personal and social problems and to promote optimal functioning.
“If you are black and a psychologist or interested in psychology, then this is must! Get access to the greatest African heritage minds of all time”.
Black psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors and their allies committed to this mission need an organisation to support this essential journey. Or else they will just practice Eurocentric psychology and concepts with a different coloured in face.
Do you want to optimise black people for the 21st century using the very best of African thought, practice and research in constant exchange with the contemporary world? Do you want the support of the village to manifest this vision?
Do you want to be part of an organisation that will spearhead community initiatives to bring African research based healing to the black community. Are you both of the people and for the people? Do you want understanding and support from warrior healers who both achieved and thrived despite contextual challenges? Do you want a safe space as black healers to discus your issues?